In hopes and dreaming of beautiful days: "A Mixtape For You"
Believing in the uniting and healing power of music and arts, we asked the musicians, bands and dj’s from around the world to make mix tapes for you. Because even if they are not able to be here or perform here at the moment due to the current situation, we wanted you to know that their music and thoughts are with us. Since this call we experienced so many things that we ran out of thoughts, words and power. As we once said ‘’We think we must continue sharing and spreading the things we love and believe to be beautiful.’’ And today we say, how many times more can we repeat that we have no other remedy than doing what we do best. How many times more can we find shelter in music, cinema, arts, and literature? The answer is clear as a day: until the very end! That’s why we think it’s the right time to share with you the mixtapes coming from our fellow musicians. We will be sharing these lists made by many musicians day by day, and we will be continuing that when the new ones are added to the list. Longing for the democratic life, free of oppression and any sort of coup d’etat, we believe this is a good time to find shelter in the bounds we created with people from all over the world, by using music as a bridge.
So far musicians and DJ’s like Will Oldham, Beirut, Julia Holter, DJ Fitz, Jamie Stewart, Brazzavville, Julianna Barwick, Mick Harvey, Joey Burns and Damon Krukowski’s mixtapes has been published. We’ll be sharing more mixtapes day by day. You can reach the homepage of A Mixtape For You series by clicking here.
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